5 Quick-Fun Tweets & 1 Quick-Fun Idea – Happy Thanksgiving! 🥧🦃🍻
Enjoy the day! The shopping! And the 4-day weekend! 🙌
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ICYMI in the last 10 weeks we covered:
What happens when Grocery, Ghost Kitchens, and Delivery collide?!!
$2B dropped into creator startups in the 1st 6 months of '21 alone!
#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt has 3.3 Billion views and counting!
NCAA Athletes start printing NIL (Name Image Likeness) Dollars!
Twisting Lux Brands + Depop + Gen Z in your favor!
TikTok goes after Fox, CNN, and MSNBC?!!
Linkedin dropped the ball! Link-in-Bio is coming in hot!
Social Casino SMS Text Gaming is FIRE!
* It’s Thanksgiving Day, so we’ll make this quick, fun, and insightful!
>> [ think BIGGER! ]
We’re trained to think procedurally — with a step-by-step mindset. Instead, start to think on what it means to scale exponentially.

>> [ 2022 is coming in HOT! ]
Some early startup insights on where 2022 is headed.

>> [ speed in EVERYTHING! ]
Speed does not mean fast. Running feels awesome! But a nice walk outdoors can be just as fantastic too!

>> [ work SMARTER! ]
Founders — vs. employees — see outsized returns. But as one of the first employees at a startup, often times you’re putting in just as much time & effort as the founding team for what is just a fraction of the rewards.

>> [ time for a ZOOM! ]
Are you lonely? Then you’re gonna love this!
* A new take on Search & Discovery.
This past week, someone posted the following:
🤗 Cure boredom: This website will take you to a random livestreamer who has no other viewers.
The concept behind this form of discovery is hilarious. It is quite literary the opposite of everything that Google is optimized for.
That said, it’d be great to see more of these types of mechanisms in the wild — where people can still bring attention to smaller and not-at-all-viral content, products, ideas, and ways of thinking to the masses.
Have a great Thanksgiving Day! 🦃
And see you again next week! 👍